Partner Event | Dave Truitt Historical Film Series: Lincoln is Crying: The Grifters, Grafters & Gove

Selected date

Saturday April 26

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Selected time

12:30 PM  –  3:00 PM

Join us for a free screening of Lincoln Is Crying: The Grifters, Grafters & Governors of Illinois. A scathing and funny indictment of politics in the Land of Lincoln. The documentary is a timely cautionary tale from filmmakers John Davies and Brian Kallies that presents a humorous and sad look at the pervasive, deep-rooted culture of political corruption in Illinois. A panel discussion with the filmmaker John Davies and media consultant Delmarie Cobb, moderated by reporter Mike Flannery, will follow the screening. 

Free; RSVP required. 



12:30 p.m. - Reception 
1:00 p.m. - Film Screening 
2:30 p.m. - Panel Discussion 

Lincoln Is Crying and the Dave Truitt Historical Film Series are underwritten exclusively by Dave Truitt 


Questions? Contact Nell McKeown, development events manager, at or (312) 799-2112 
