Guild: Women Designing for Change: Female Artivists of the 1960s –70s
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Chicago activists in the 1960s and ’70s used design to create powerful slogans, symbols, and imagery to amplify their visions for social change. Curator Olivia Mahoney will introduce us to CHM’s newest exhibition, Designing for Change: Chicago Protest Art of the 1960s—70s, with a special focus on female artists and the fight for women’s rights. Celebrate the Guild’s 75th anniversary with a special presentation, time to explore the exhibition, and a luncheon as we reflect on women’s contributions to our city.
If you have a seating request or a dietary preference, please contact Nell McKeown at 703-403-1482 or The presentation will begin at 11:00 a.m.; you are welcome to arrive at 10:30 a.m. for coffee and socializing.
If you already have a ticket and wish to add more, or if you prefer to pay by phone, please contact Nell McKeown at (312) 799-2112. Checks may be sent to the below address:
ATTN: Nell McKeown
Chicago History Museum
1601 N Clark St
Chicago, IL 60614